“We heard from several friends that The Learning Consultants helped their children produce astonishing results in the SAT (or ACT or SSAT or graduate school tests)”.
So starts the most common introduction from new clients as they hope there is room in our test prep classes or with our top test prep teachers for their student-child.
When we receive calls from those – perhaps like you – who have found us through a web search, we encourage the caller to ask their own trusted sources about us. Self-representation is questionable since most comments are self-serving. For that reason, please do ask the most educated parents who know about our company and/or “who is the best” at test prep? We are not as well known to the general public as the franchises. But, anyone “in the know” in our geographic areas will come to us for any high stakes standardized tests.
As to how we have become the best… we will provide some thoughts as we realize that not everyone has access to our past clients.
Highly Advanced Training In Both Motivation and Performance Psychology
Perhaps the chief differentiation of our work compared to other test prep providers is our ability to shift the energy of our students in order to self-study and to perform optimally.
Both issues are largely ignored by most every test prep provider.
In relation to the need to inspire, the best results come from students who not only apply themselves during the lessons but also practice what they have learned thereafter.
Most test prep programs do nothing to engage students to care after they leave class. This is a big mistake.
Our unique expertise is in shifting the motivation of our students by getting them to care for their own reasons. Upon doing so, the student will work outside the classroom. This can make a significant difference.
As to performance psychology, the number of students who have issues with focusing (usually those crazy hyper boys!); test-taking anxiety or test-taking blocks such as perfectionism (which causes great suffering during standardized testing) is highly underreported. Many parents will call and many students will report that they underperform on high stakes tests (both in school and on standardized tests) and that the underperformance is not due to a lack of conceptual understanding but rather psychological challenges.
Perhaps here, more than any other area, our hours of working with students over the years has given us unique insight on how to decrease anxiety, deal with compulsions, like perfectionism, and make students focus for longer periods of time.
Superior and Customized Test Prep Design
Think about visiting a master craftsman. There is something special in the design of whatever is created. This is less true with masters in the service professions. But, you likely have encountered at least one advisor or trainer or business owner who had conceived of a process so brilliant and was able to tailor the process to suit your needs so well that you raved thereafter.
After expressing great things about our test prep results and our test prep teachers, the next area that clients typically rave about is the design of our test prep programs. “You have obviously given great care to figuring out how to make a test prep program succeed”.
And, our clients are always delighted that we custom tailor our programs to fit their unique needs.
The Learning Consultants has become synonymous with test prep excellence. We offer seminars, customized groups and individual tutoring.