The Very Best Teachers
Our super flexible, parent friendly, general process:
1.) We listen to the needs of our prospective clients.
2.) We propose a tutoring/enrichment solution primarily involving the appropriate teacher/academic coach match.
3.) The proposal is based on subject matter, student challenges, location, and any other factor that might be important to our clients such as personality qualities of the student and desired personality qualities of the teacher.
4.) Our teachers are expert at teaching the subjects to which they will be assigned.
5.) We will then send a mutual introduction to you and the teacher.
6.) You would contact the teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time/place. Regarding time, every teacher is a bit different but, of course, all understand that they would be working after school and many understand that they might work on the weekend. In terms of location, our Fairfield county office is in Redding, but our teachers are spread from New York to to New Haven to Middletown to Stonington so depending on where our clients live they can meet in homes/public places that might be more convenient for our clients.
7.) Rates differ based on a variety of factors such as the teacher and the subject and the length of our proposed interaction. Please call (203) 451-0429 or e-mail: [email protected] to discuss.